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Becoming A Woman of Grace and Beauty

My Friend Debbie      At one time in my life, the woman described in Proverbs 31 was intimidating to me. It's no wonder I may have felt that way. Think about it. I was striving for perfection as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and church member utilizing unrealistic standards set forth as outlined in how-to books. For a period of time, I was on a quest to absorb as much as possible through different media to attain my lofty goal of perfection. I even bought one of those how-to books for my husband. Truthfully, my husband and I still muse over my gift to him. Although my intentions were noble, I found myself literally growing weary of striving for an unobtainable goal. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't be perfect enough!

     It wasn't until I realized that the changes that we desire do not always come as a result of self effort, but because God is gently shaping us by His Holy Spirit to become women of grace and beauty. As believers, it is important to recognize that the Holy Spirit patiently waits for opportunities to speak into our lives and it is in that moment of time that we have the capacity to be taught.

My Friend Debbie      There are experiences in our lives that I believe are divine appointments and that can provide a new beginning for our seasons of growth. Jesus' encounter with a Samaritan woman found in John 4:7-26 is an example. It was unusual for this woman to be found alone at the well because women generally came to draw water in groups. It is not clear why she came alone, but through an object lesson about water her life was spiritually transformed. At that moment in time, she had the capacity to be taught because her heart was ready to receive the words Jesus spoke to her. Like the Samaritan woman, our lives will be spiritually transformed through personal encounters with God.

     The scripture says "But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:6, 7 (NASB)

     According to James, God alone is the one who can rescue us from the perils of life. For the grace that He gives is far greater than all our sin. James instructs us to willingly submit ourselves to the authority of God. Having heard many sermons on this passage, the illustration presented most often was one in which a person is running in the opposite direction as fast as they could. Actually, the key to receiving grace is by humbling oneself and submitting to the authority of God. Because God loves us, He freely gives his transforming grace.

My Friend Debbie      Proverbs 31:10-31 shows us a woman who demonstrated utmost loyalty to her husband. Through the labor of her hands and thrifty ways, she added to her husband's wealth. She earned the praises of her family. To attach significance to her commitment to her family would be incomplete without looking at the transforming power of God at work in her life.

     The scripture points out that true virtue, respect, and affection are greater than charm and beauty, ". . .but a woman who fears the Lord she shall be praised, Proverbs 31:30." (NASB)

     Without His grace at work in our lives, we would grow weary in the journey. It is in those moments, as the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts and we respond, that we are transformed spiritually into a woman of grace and beauty.

     "Lord, thank You for reminding me that Your grace is greater than anything. I submit myself to You and receive Your word today. Help me to become a woman of grace so that You may be honored through my life. Amen"

Copyright © 2008-2015 Ruth Van de Riet

Reader Comments...
2011-10-19 13:27:59
"I was lisening to ewtnradio this today and womane of grace was on they wher talking about having now the bible study in spanish Plwase let me now how I came get a copy."
        - Margarita

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