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God's Master Plan

My Friend Debbie

     Time held no essence as the years slipped by. "The Plan" had been in existence from before the world came into being.

     God's heart was elated by His creation, broken by the devastation of sin; thus His perfect plan gave way to His master plan. God knew man would fall, yet He still chose to create us because He hungered for our fellowship. God is love, and love begs to be shared. So when man sinned, He made provision for our redemption through His son, Jesus, whom He sent to earth to make atonement for the sins of all mankind.

     Prophecies had gone forth throughout the centuries of a King that would come to deliver His people. The prophecies were believed, but not received when it came to pass.

     It had been prophesied that the Messiah would be born of a virgin, and His name would be called Immanuel, God with us. And so it was that a young girl had been chosen and prepared to carry within her womb this precious gift that came from heaven to earth. When she spoke those words, "May it be it done to me according to Thy word," she accepted the shame and pain she knew she would be called to endure in order to become a part of God's plan.

     Under the power of the Holy Spirit, the babe was conceived. Few realized the Ark of the Covenant walked among them in the form of a woman named "Mary." For she carried within her, not only the presence of God, but God Himself, Jesus, who was the fulfillment of what the Ark contained.

     The first step in the completion of God's master plan came in the quiet of night in a lowly stable in Bethlehem. Redemption came wrapped in the flesh of man as His love burst forth upon the world with a vigorous cry.My Friend Debbie

     The second step would come thirty-three years later on a hill called Calvary. As His precious Son, now a man, hung on a rugged cross. God called forth His angels that had been poised from the inception of "The Plan" to go forth to the ends of the earth and throughout all time, and gather every sin ever committed, and cast it into the body of Jesus.

     Then one lone angel was dispatched to capture the last enemy. As the angel stood poised above Jesus, he hurled Death into His dying body. With that, a loud cry went forth, "IT IS FINISHED," and, as Jesus slipped from life to death-death, sin and the grave were swallowed up in victory. Jesus rose again triumphantly, and "The Plan" was completed and prophecy fulfilled.

     Listen as Our Father calls you to become a vessel to house His Son within your heart, another "Ark of the Covenant" that will hold within it the very presence of God Himself. I admonish you to accept this precious gift He is offering you, for the work has been done and the price has been paid. You are a part of God's Master Plan.

Copyright © 2008-2015 Sylvia Hensel

Reader Comments...
2009-01-18 20:34:41
What a beautiful story God birthed in you. It really blessed me.
Love and Prayers,
Linda U."

        - Linda

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