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Remember Why...

Candace Gaines - Remember Why - myfriendDebbie.com     It was easy to forget why I fell in love. It was easy to forget how my heart skipped a beat every time he walked by. It was easy to forget the long nights he stood by my side when sickness and despair brought me to my knees. It was easy to forget his encouraging words and support as I battled with insecurities. It was easy to forget how, after three children, 20 extra pounds, and wrinkles, he would still look at me passionately with love and adoration. It was easy to forget his gentle kisses and his tender touch as he softly whispered every morning, "I love you more and more." It was easy to forget that night I cried out to God with such desperation, vigor and passion, "Lord send me a husband, NOW! Please!" And God answered.

     Ten years later, as I reflected over my marriage, I asked the Lord, why was it so easy for me to forget? Why did other things crowd my mind and cause me to forget the value of the treasure I have. I can still hear that still small voice echoing in my heart, "Because you never took the time to remember why."

Happy 10th Anniversary, Husband!

I Remember Why!

Copyright © 2008-2015 Candace Gaines

Reader Comments...
2011-03-31 09:46:49
"I enjoyed your article, "Remember Why" about the love you have for your husband. Never forget about the special gift you've been given. I pray the light of Christ shines in and out of your marriage and it draws people to Christ. I went to grade school with you at Parker School in kansas city kansas. It's a blessing to see that God has his hand on you and your family. "
        - kim
2011-03-31 09:45:53
"I enjoyed your article, "Remember Why" about the love you have for your husband. Never forget about the special gift you've been given. I pray the light of Christ shines in and out of your marriage and it draws people to Christ. I went to grade school with you at Parker School in kansas city kansas. It's a blessing to see that God has his hand on you and your family. God bless"
        - Kim

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