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Providential Provision

     It was last summer and the heat was bearing down. We called the air conditioning guy and asked if he could come and see what was wrong with our unit. We were hoping he could put some Freon in, or clean it out and restart it fresh for the season like he had done for the past several years. But this time, that wasn’t the case. He delivered the bad news. Our downstairs unit was not working at all and would have to be replaced. The price tag he quoted us for replacing the unit was $4900.

     With great dismay we sent him away, having no available resources to pay him to replace the unit. We began to put the need before our God, Jehovah Jireh. We explained our situation to the Lord and asked him to please bring a solution to us. We waited on the Lord’s answer to our dilemma.

     We trusted that the Lord had a solution for us and we patiently waited. We waited one week. We waited the next week. We waited the third week. We waited a full month. The heat was so bad at times, I nearly blacked out from heat exhaustion. We slept downstairs, I kept my hair pulled up and put cold wash clothes on my neck. We avoided cooking in the kitchen and ate cold food. We kept the blinds closed so no sun could shine in to warm up the rooms. We sat up fans downstairs for the children and tried to keep them from getting overheated.

     It was June, I was in the middle of my first semester of the Ph.D. program that I had begun, for which I had received a scholarship, and had papers and deadlines for my school assignments. We were also a month away from our first Friend Festival Women’s Conference, July 23-24, 2010.

     Not only did the air conditioner break, the riding lawn mower broke, the microwave, and both vehicles. Our children were scheduled to sing that Sunday morning at church and when we realized on Saturday afternoon that we had no way to get them there, we called so the church could find someone else. When we told them why, the news fell on kind ears.

     Our friends, Dan and Dana Cavallaro called back the next day to say they had saved the air conditioning unit from the fire they had in their home, in hope that it would be a blessing to someone, and that we could come get it. We were grateful and went right away to pick it up. The news at first was dissapointing--it wasn't the right fit. We went back home to our house that felt more like an oven, or sauna, for several more days. Our hopes were up and then down again. But what happened next was amazing.

     Because of the generosity of heart that our friends had shown, and because the inability we had to purchase a new unit was evident, our air conditioning guy, Wes, whom we have called on for several years, said he had an idea. He called someone who had recently put in a newer model and asked them what they did with their older one. It turned out that he was able to make a conneciton to get us a unit that was the right match.

     Within a few days, we had a working unit and cool air in our home. The cost to us? $350 to put it in. God had worked it out for us and provided, and it was amazing! We thanked both the Cavallaros and Wes for being a part of our miracle!

     I’ve been overwhelmed at how God has taken care of our family over the last two years in some very incredible ways.

     God has allowed us to walk through some very lean times financially, but He is never short of resources nor creativity! The scriptures tell us that all the gold and silver in the treasuries are His!

     The picture above that I've included shows three of our older children, Gavin, Grant and Gillian bringing the working unit in place. it was a great opportunity to give thanks for our blessings and to teach them about God's providential provision. When you go without, you learn to appreciate things more and gratitude is not a hard concept to understand. We certainly all know from experience that we serve a REALLY "COOL" GOD!!

Copyright © 2008-2015 Debbie Reynolds Harper

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