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Setting The Pace

My Friend Debbie      Three days a week, whether I like it or not, I've made a commitment to exercise on the treadmill. In doing so, I find that the activity I enjoy most is running. For the first several minutes, I feel as though I might die. My legs seem weak and uncoordinated, my feet feel like two heavy cinder blocks, my arms uncertain of where to rest, and my breath is short. But, about ten minutes into my run, when I begin to tune out everything around me, something amazing happens. My legs start to work in unison with my body, my feet begin to feel light as a feather, my arms loosen up and my shortness of breath is replaced with lungs full of air.

     In the runner's world, that is what they call "finding your stride." At that moment, I know why I love running so much. It is because it makes me feel free. A runner's stride is unique to a runner because it separates them from other runners.I must confess that at times I've gotten frustrated with myself that I'm not faster or able to go further than what I am currently able to run. It takes time, practice and commitment to improve your stride. It doesn't happen overnight.

My Friend Debbie My Friend Debbie

     I think running can be a lot like our Christian walk. We often have to find our own "stride." In the beginning we may feel awkward and unsure of ourselves, but with the proper conditioning (daily prayer, devotions, and quiet time) then we will grow in our walk with the Lord and have a closer relationship with Him.

     Remember that just as running takes practice and dedication, your walk with the Lord requires the same diligence and commitment. Scripture says we are to "run with patience (endurance, persistence) the race set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith." Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV).

Copyright © 2008-2015 Christy Biswell

Reader Comments...
2009-05-19 13:54:02
I am so proud of you and it makes me feel good when people (especially your parents) tell me that you remind them of me. Looking forward to seeing you in June."

        - Sandie

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