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Cherry Blossom Time in Washington, D.C.

       The best way to travel in the Washington D.C. area, especially during cherry blossom time is to use the Metro.  When you make your plans to go to DC, get a hotel outside the DC area, making sure it is close to the Metro line.  Traveling on the metro is the easiest way to make sure you see all the sights you want to see.

     The cherry trees full of their magnificent light pink blooms are the first sight that overwhelms you.

     The Japanese cherry trees were a gift from Japan in March of 1912 to the city of Washington.  The trees were donated in an effort to enhance the growing friendship between the United Stated and Japan.

     The Capitol of the United States is quite majestic, a wonderful place to stroll around and appreciate all the monuments erected for significant events and people that have helped to form the history of the United Stated.

     The White House is the home and office of the President of the United States.  It is the center of the Executive Branch of the government.

     The World War II honors the 16 million Americans who fought in the most devastating war in world history.  Gold stars on the Freedom Wall pay honor to the 400,000 Americans who gave their lives during this battle.  The Memorial also celebrates the millions who supported the war efforts at home.

     The Memorial to honor President Lincoln, so grand in scope was designed in the style of a classic Greek temple.  The statue of Lincoln faces the Capital.

    Look for the District of Columbia Memorial.  It stands in a state of disrepair.  No organization takes responsibility for its maintenance.  The residence of the District of Columbia built a Peristyle Doric Temple to memorialize local heroes who served the nation in World War One.

     As you look at the faces of the nineteen stainless steel sculptures of soldiers depicting the Korean War Memorial it brings to life the severity of the saying, “Freedom is not Free.” There is a sea of faces who actually fought in the war etched on a granite wall reminding us of the human cost of defending freedom.

The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial moves you through four outside rooms, one room for each of his terms in office.

     Sculptures depict scenes from the Great Depression, listening intently to the radio as President Roosevelt delivers his fireside chats and standing in the long, humbling bread lines.

     Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father and third president of the United States. Thomas Jefferson was an architect and was influenced by the classical models typified by the colonnaded, doomed Pantheon in Rome.  This was the inspiration for his memorial as well as the Rotunda at the University of Virginia.

     How grand the Monument built to honor George Washington, “The Father of the Country,” and our first President of the United States.  The building process began in 1848 and because of events that took place in our history it was finished in 1884. You can see the color variation in the blocks used to build the monument.  The monument stands majestic at 555 feet 51/8 inch tall.

     A visit to the Capitol of the United States is a good destination any season.  The best may be the Spring.

Copyright © 2008-2015 DeeDee MacDonald

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