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Clouds of Life

     I like to be up in time to see the sunrise.  The dawn consists of the time just before the sun is actually visible.  When the sky is completely clear, it simply gets lighter and lighter until the sun is up.  However, if there are clouds in the sky during the dawn, the reflection of the sun on the clouds as it is approaching the horizon is often magnificent, bringing hues of pink, red or orange.  The clouds literally create a more beautiful sunrise for the viewer to behold.

Clouds of Life - My Friend Debbie

     One day recently the Lord revealed to me that my life could be more beautiful to those around me if I would allow Him, the Son, to be reflected when there are clouds in my life.  You see, most of us pray for God to remove the clouds from our skies.  We want Him to deliver us from heartache, pain and disappointment.  We wish that our sky would be blue and clear and that the Son would smile on us, bringing blessings galore. 

     However, we neglect to consider that our lives are meant to bring glory to Him.  Our journey in this life will only have Kingdom-purpose IF we reflect the glory of the Son during the difficult times.  Our clouds are an opportunity for the magnificence of Jesus to be revealed on earth.  The hues of our God are that He is the Prince of Peace--He is Wonderful--He is our Counselor--He is Mighty God--He is the Everlasting Father—He is the Beginning and the End!

     Jesus told His followers, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”  To me, this means we should EXPECT clouds in our lives.  We may have some days of clear blue sky when all seems right, but there will be more days of waiting on Him for strength and peace.  And then there will also be times when it is not only cloudy, but also stormy.  In these times it will appear that the Son has left us.  It will be darker and possibly frightening.  However, just as the sun seems hidden in a storm, we know it is there and will be visible again in due time. 

     Jesus will never leave us but our responsibility is to BELIEVE He is there and rest in His presence—allowing His peace to settle our spirits.  It is when we are in this place of acceptance that the onlookers will see the spectacular beauty and power of our God to keep us at peace.  He desires to give us hope in those times so that we will not lose faith in Him, but will rather be secure in the knowledge that He has overcome this world and that He is worthy of our trust.  Even our deepest losses and disappointments will all be erased when we see Him face to face.

     Jesus is inviting you to rise up and wait for Him.  The Bible says that if we will seek for Him with all our hearts, we will find Him.  He is longing to reveal His power to you.  He alone can bring rest to your spirit in the midst of life’s troubles.  He alone can quiet your soul and reveal to you His purpose and plan in the midst of pain and frustration.  He desires to amaze you with His Peace so that you will be full of hope this day.  And as you wait with Him, He will use the clouds of your life to display the magnificent beauty of His glory!

Here is a link to a song that ministered to me during the darkest cloud of my life when my sister went home to Jesus.  “Blessings” by Laura Story.  


Copyright © 2008-2015 Dawn Sheridan Kollar

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