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Missions Travel to North Dakota

Glad Tidings Missions Project-Trinity Bible College, Ellendale, North Dakota

     When this travel mission project was first mentioned, my first question was where exactly is Ellendale North Dakota?! The answer was that Ellendale is a city located in Dickey County, North Dakota. The population is a little over 1,400 and the city was founded in 1882.  Ellendale is the home of Trinity Bible College and that was to be our Missions project. 

     My reply was simply, "Oh!"

     Trinity Bible College is a private college that is affiliated with the Assemblies of God. It began in Devils Lake in 1948 and finally made its home in Ellendale in 1972 when  the former campus of the North Dakota State Normal and Industrial School was purchased for $1.00 with an agreement to repair and maintain the campus. Religion is the primary instruction. Classes in business, teacher education and fine arts are also offered.

     A new program will be added to Trinity Bible College in 2014, its first MA degree.  The degree will be an MA program in Missional Leadership.

     Knowing how much work needed to be done, 28 team members landed in Fargo, ND and traveled two- and-a-half hours by vans to reach Trinity Bible College.

Davidson Hall built in 1901 needs a lot of remodeling and repairs

Team members arriving and observing what needed to be done.

     Major work had to be done to the foundation of Davidson Hall.  Walls had to be taken out on the first floor to make room for a new kitchen, bathrooms, and offices.  Old wiring had to be replaced with new; plumbing had to be done for the new kitchen and baths. 

Halls needed to be painted in the men's dorm and on and on the list went.

LET'S GET BUSY, WE ARE HERE TO WORK, LET'S WORK.  After we pray and sing our missions song, We are standing on Holy Ground.

David and Mike, Father and Son

Team electricians, Matthew, our 14-year-old grandson, and Al.

‘Be gone,’ gray walls.

How many more door frames?

More help coming.

Megan, our granddaughter, was such a big help.

Gray walls GONE. YEAH!

We did eat well, thanks to Joan and chief chef Renee.

Nice to prop our feet up and laugh with Winn, Rob (our son) and Jim.

OK, back to work, Matthew ready to be an electrician.

Megan and Rob, father and daughter, working together.

Megan and me,  how special, grandmother and granddaughter.

Ulla and Rob laying trim.

Thanks, Monica and Glenn, and everyone who helped to make this trip possible.

Anniversaries were celebrated, Al and Ann's.  Dave and I celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary on this trip.  Renee celebrated her birthday.

Everyone was tired but not too tired to help with cleanup.

Or too tired to make new friends.

     Early in the morning, heading back to Fargo, ND for the plane ride home.  This trip was so meaningful to us because we had our son, Rob, and two of our grandchildren, Matthew and Megan, with us.  That’s three generations working together in service for God! 

     We had some younger people who went on this trip and now understand why we have gone on one-week (building) missions trips for so many years representing Glad Tidings Church in Norfolk, Virginia.  We heard many say that they are ready to go again!

Copyright © 2008-2015 DeeDee MacDonald

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